Why I chose “Wholistic Witch” Wellness…

This post is of my own belief. It is intended to share my perspective with you, the reader. This post is not intended as judgement, as shame, as anything other than love for you, for our differences.

What’s in a ‘label’?! Well, from my perspective, a whole lot of limitation!

We live in a society where all that we are is compacted into what others perceive us, or label us, to be.

About a year ago, I was in a local grocery store talking with a dear friend. We were both having challenges finding a host location for our home-based learning groups, contacting several churches in our town, ones even that she had been a patron of. As two moms seeking ways to support local home-schooled youth, we heard NO alot. We started talking philosophy, and how the churches and others use the word community ALOT, yet their definition of who comprises said community is exclusive. We agreed that Christ embodiment is of love, for all, all inclusive. We spoke of resonant beliefs, that are found in all religious systems. When we remove the actual label, we find commonalities. After a bit of time, she says “If you tell people you think this way, they’ll call you a witch!” We chuckled and I said, “that’s why I started calling myself one!”

It doesn’t matter what others believe of me, truly. It matters most that I remain true to that which I resonate with as my belief system, based in love, based in a Christ Consciousness, based in a belief that we are all connected to the energy of our creator; God, Goddess, Universe, Source, whatever YOU choose to call it. It matters little to me whether or not you feel you need to ‘label’ anything (me, your beliefs, etc). I choose to believe that we are all connected, through the God energy of love.

John 14:20 “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.”

Jesus stated, “I am in you”. We see this explained energetically through metaphysical studies, that we are all connected through the energy. “What you put out is what you get back.” “The law of attraction.”

It’s a challenge for me to truly understand why we are still so divided as a people?! That may make me sound naïve, but it’s just who I am. It’s easy for me to be accepting of others, their differences, etc. It’s easy for me to allow others to be who they choose, and allow me to be me. It’s easy for me to share love, to see the good. Sure, I’ve been ‘burned’ many times, experienced heartbreak… and that has taught me how to speak up and out about where my boundaries are. It hasn’t taken away my ease in sharing love.

God is the ultimate, unlimited energy of love. If that energy is unlimited, and God is in me, then I deduce my being, my soul to be unlimited as well. Many researchers & functional medical professionals are blending modalities of physical healing and energy healing, and seeing much progress in overall whole-person wellness. The difference is…. when a woman does it, without a PhD, without published articles and studies, without what society has decided is the only way of proving your worth, we are called “Witches.”

I had a client come in a few months back limping. He said his gout was flaring up and he’d been in pain for several days. We engaged through our session. With my anatomy & physiology background, I was able to envision in my mind his body working… his circulatory system, lymphatic system flushing the crystals from his joints. Within a few moments, he stated “I don’t know what you did, but my foot feels a hell of a lot better!” We talked a bit about some dietary factors, and ones that perhaps brought it on. When I asked him at his next session a week later, he reported no pain returning after our session. My client was not encouraged by me to stop his medications, to go against what his doctor has recommended. I shared my time, my experience, my wisdom, my research, and love for him as a person who has been made perfect and whole, happy and well.

Whatever you choose to call it, I chose to ‘label’ my personal wellness services business as “Wholistic Witch Wellness”, because I am in the business of assisting all beings in whole-person wellness, through the most natural means. Plants, Energy, Knowledge, Love, etc.

What’s your perspective? Please share below! In true unlimited form, I welcome the ideas of others, the ability to learn and grow by seeking to understand.
Thank you for reading!




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